Today Is The Last Day

Today Is The Last Day

We woke up and there was fog outside I would say that was a pretty good morning to wake up to. We had breakfast while the fog lifted then it was time to pack up and leave to go back home to Michigan. We packed up pretty quickly because we have been doing it for 13 days now, And we were off for the last time on this trip. As we travel up, we didn't know until it was too late that we were actually going into the big hills, now the GPS didn't know that we had a camper in the back so there were a lot of sharp turns and very skinny roads. While we were out there we had no serves, once in a while we would have one bar. But you wouldn't think that was a big problem right, well it was for us because grandma had no internet so she wasn't able to get any calls. Luckily I have a different service than she does so I still had internet. You're probably wondering why I'm saying all of this, I'll make it quick, Grandma's brother was in the hospital and he was trying to leave a voice message to his sister Katie, but my Mom's name is also Katti so he accidentally contacted her, so than Mom wanted to let grandma know. Mom was trying to get a hold of Grandma but she has no service. Mom tries contacting me and I got her call but it was hard to hear her, since I only had 1-2 bars. It took us a while to finally understand her, Grandma finally got some bars and we were out of the big hills and we finally found out what happened. Grandma's brother was in the hospital. So after all of that, it was peaceful the rest of the way. I wanted some Starbucks but they only had Dunkins dounts at that rest stop. So I got something from there but it was too sugary for me, so I waited for all the ice to melt down and then I was able to drink it. Luckily we got to Ohio, they had Starbucks there (I have been paying for my own drinks by the way) and Ohio has the best rest stops. After we got to my grandparent's house we started to unload. My uncle and my 2 aunts live next door so we saw them and I said hi to my cousin. Then it was time to leave to go back home. My Aunt Christine took Bubba and I back to my house and everyone was super excited to see me since I'm the oldest of 6. Now, dad doesn't know about my nose piercing yet that I got on the trip (this is where the story is located the survivor) I used to have a magnet one and when I told Dad it was real he yanked the magnetic one off my nose. So when he saw it I was scared he was going to do that, so when he went to go grab it I jumped and screamed I don't know why but I did and freaked out everyone because they thought he yanked it again. I unloaded and put it upstairs and showed my sibling all the cool things I got, then it was time for bed. I can not tell you how much I missed my bed because I have been sleeping on a 1-inch mattress and I'm not joking about that.